Drake Capital engages in long-term partnerships with external managers to make investments across asset classes such as equities, fixed income, real estate, and alternatives. The Strategic Target Asset Allocation of the portfolio places an emphasis on non-traditional asset classes, such as private equity and venture capital, while maintaining adequate liquidity to support the entire Endowment. Drake Capital is overseen by the Drake Asset Allocation and Risk Managmenet Commitee and supported by Stepstone, a leading global investment firm.
Drake Enterprises
Driven by Superior Performance
The overall direction and the holding of the Group is centered in Drake Enterprises AG, headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. The Board of DEAG, and its committees, are responsible for the direction of the Group’s business. Drake has an executive office in New York and a support office in Miami.

The Drake Endowment
Drake Endowment
The Drake Endowment is a long-term pool of capital that seeks high inflation-adjusted returns to provide ongoing support to philanthropic endeavors while also growing the real value of the portfolio. It tries to efficiently allocate resources with a global perspective. The Endowment is governed by a Strategic Investment Policy that is tailored to the specific goals and spending needs of the group.
Investing with a Global Perspective.
The Drake Endowment seeks to efficiently allocate resources through two initiatives:
Drake Capital
Global investment platform for preserving and appreciating financial assets
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Business development platform that seeks to generate wealth by investing in opportunities with sustainable competitive advantages
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Drake Capital

Drake Direct Investments
The Drake Endowment puts great focus and resources on its direct investment strategy. The entrepreneurial spirit, a core value at Drake, mandates a significant allocation to operate companies where the group has relevant decision-making powers. This strategy should create shared value: generate attractive returns for the group, while to support projects that benefit social interests. A Private Equity approach, with institutional processes and investment discipline, should be poised to generate extraordinary returns and be the driving wealth creation force for the portfolio.